About Me

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Saturday, 27 April 2013

One day wonder

Only managed one game today, and with the first Pengo down in Act 10, my expectations were reasonably low. As it was going along, I must say it was feeling a bit like ‘junk miles’ - for those of you who might have done any long distance running training.
Still, I was chasing the 10,000 bonuses quite aggressively and finished the first set in just over 200,000. The next set was slightly less productive and by the end of the third time around, I had one Pengo left with just over 500,000 on the clock.
That brave little Pengo made it all the way through to my nemesis - Act 13 - where I admit I was simply outplayed. But not before finishing with a score of 617,430.
Zackomba was photographing bits of the game and here is the score, taken just as I was eaten for the final time. You can probably make out my recorded high score too, which is where I clocked it before going on for another 30K or so. And yes, the multi-media's a bit primitive, but we'll work on it see how we can add some bells and whistles.

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