something that describes exactly my feelings this afternoon. I’d just completed
Act 16 for the fourth time, had amassed over 660,000 points at quite a clip,
albeit with one Pengo left, and was about to launch confidently into the fifth
set with ambitions of at least another quick 100,000 points before being
seriously challenged. Alas, too confidently as it turned out. A case of appalling
complacency in Act 1 and it’s all over - at 665,730.
Zackomba, noting my fairly obvious frustration, diagnosed it as a case of Pengo-rage
- although very well contained, I should add. No museum exhibits or other paraphernalia
were harmed in the immediate aftermath of the game.
back, it was probably exacerbated by some lacklustre scoring over the past week
or so. Last weekend, it was a 293,330, followed by a 303,220, a very promising
672,570, but then a 296,130. Yesterday, it was 114,680, and then 287,490, and
then 382,540, followed by a 213,130, and finishing with an exceptionally strong
425,440. The tragedy of that final score was that it was achieved with only one
Pengo down. Unfortunately, the security guard at the museum - nor, for that
matter, the person on the museum’s loudspeaker - don’t seem to be Pengo fans, and
were insistent we leave so that museum staff could get home to their families
at the end of their working day.
first game (130,780) was as uninspiring as yesterday’s opener, but the subsequent
600K effort made up for it. The breakdown was 196,300 after the first set (with
a Pengo lost in Act 9), 368,180 after the second set (with the second Pengo
lost in Act 7), 517,290 after the third set and 665,300 after the fourth set
(having lost the third Pengo in Act 14). Overall, it was a very solid per-Act
average of just under 10,400 over 64 completed Acts. And again, the machine clocked at
after that run, my total number of games with scores exceeding 500,000 is now up
to 17, including two 1,000,000 point games. But with more to come, I'm sure.
1 comment:
You still on this quest? I'm on a similar mission myself. Surpassed 260,000 for the first time just recently, so still got a ways to go.
It's a great game, it's teaching me about daily practice and the zen of dealing with game collision bugs (*breathe* the BUG IS PART OF THE GAME THE UNIVERSE ISN'T ALWAYS A FAIR PLACE!! *breathe*)
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